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Saturday, May 24, 2008


  • I received and read Creating Your World: The Official Guide to Advanced Content Creation for Second Life; it is a great book, packed with information and includes a CD with scripts, textures and more. I especially liked the chapter on terraforming and the amount of thought that that goes into good island design
  • The delivery of Hatters Island is pending appropriate background checks
  • Our Virtual Reality Club was approved this week. We will be recruiting before the end of the school year in order to develop an interested cadre before summer break.
  • I created an alt av (Learnus Constantine) who I will load-up with textures, objects, scripts and other freebies for the one-way trip to TSL.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Big Step

Over the course of the past month or so since I last blogged, a few things have happened:
  • I recieved advice from Kim Rufer-Bach/Kim Anubis (The Magicians) regarding choosing an island and basic terraforming (shaping the island to develop hills, valleys, etc...). I ordered a copy of a book she co-authored, Creating Your World: The Official Guide to Advanced Content Creation for Second Life, along with Aimee Weber and Richard Platel. The book arrived yesterday and, so far, I have found it to be concise and useful. It covers a wide variety of building and scripting topics. I am considering ordering a few copies for our island "mentors" (see 3rd point below).
  • Our school district accounting folks have communicated with Linden Labs to work out the PO/invoice aspect of an island purchase.

  • We have requested the creation of a new club, the Virtual Reality Club. The goal of this club will be to channel the knowlege and experience of student gamers and programmers into something productive and useful. Why not put their interests and talents to use designing and scripting our new island? These students would also serve as mentors to students and teachers new to TSL. They could really come in handy once our island is up and running in the Fall (hopefully!)